Visual artist, researcher (DFA)
“Only when art is fragmented, discontinuous and incomplete can we know about that vacant eternity that excludes objects and determines meanings”
“What the artist seeks is coherence and order – not truth, correct statements, or proofs.
He seeks the fiction that reality will sooner or later imitate.”
Robert Smithson, A Museum of Language in the Vicinity of Art (1968)
I have worked as a visual artist for over thirty years. I graduated as a Doctor of Fine Arts in 2012 from the University of the Arts, where I worked as a postdoctoral-researcher and university lecturer 2015–20. In addition to this, I have been involved in various collaborative projects, positions of trust, as a speaker, edited & wrote publications and curated exhibitions in Finland and abroad. Making art is conceptual and exploratory for me. Drawing has been a natural medium for me throughout my artistic career. In recent years, I have also worked with speculative design, especially in connection with my postdoc research and with the currently ongoing “Body and Iron” -exhibition trilogy. The trilogy examines masculinity, death, rituals, our relationship with nature and machines, as well as environments and contexts considered masculine. Forum Box’s exhibition in 2024 dealt closely with the themes of this trilogy.